You might be familiar with the expression of “Tech-stack” if you have a background in the tech sector. If not, don’t worry, there is a lot of tech jargon that is going on, and we are going to decipher it today. 

The technology stack is the decisive part of your web application that initiates its success story. So, understanding the ecosystem and all the required technology can help in application development as well as its success.

In the world of web application development, there are a lot of technological trends that people are following. Selecting the best technology for your business can make it win in the long run. Technology stack is a term that is used for the combination of languages and tools used for web application development.

Why does Your Web App Needs the Best Tech Stack?

If you are not a developer and just have a business logic or idea for a web application, then you might be thinking that why is it so essential to go for an appropriate stack? Does Tech-stack really matter?

Believe me, the technology used for your web application development plays a crucial role when it comes to behavior and achieving business logic.

Moreover, it is like a deep foundation for your skyscraper. You don’t build the roof first or your beautiful corridor, you start by digging deep and forming the foundation. The same goes for web applications.

To get the basics right, the selection of the appropriate languages, frameworks, or tools is the first step. Thus, people tend to check out the products or services online, instead of going to a physical store.

  • In fact, according to Bigcommerce, 51% of American buyers prefer to shop online, while 56% of online stores have any physical stores.
  • As per the reports from SoDA, 77% of marketing agencies believe that poor website user experience is the shortfall on the client-side, creating a significant gap.
  • According to HubSpot, 47% of website visitors prefer to check out the company’s products/services page first before looking at any other part or section of the site.

The stats tell how buyers are looking towards the online presence of a business and all the elements of a web application that help those potential clients. Hence, to make things barren and work your web application’s components seamlessly, the technology stack works as an arc.

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Web Application Components & Suitable Tech-Stack

To understand the lingo of web application development, it’s essential to go through the components of a web app. These components are the vital parts of any website or enclosed web app that is responsible for its sustained working.

You might hear of client-side & server-side, or frontend & backend in some scenarios. These two are the components of any web app that is built so far. Each of them upholds their specific work that lets users perform functions or any set of activities that the app is meant to perform.

Frontend or Client-Side:

The front end of any web application is the section that users directly interact with. All those elements that the user utilizes for interaction are present over the front end. Moreover, there could be buttons, text, colors, styles, images, graphs, navigation, and everything that could be used to interact with the website or consisting web app.


The interface gets presented over the browser of the user whenever the website or web application is opened. The languages that are used for the implementation of frontend development are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In addition, the objective of the frontend or client-side is to create an app that is responsive and performing. Responsiveness of the website means it should appear correctly on all sizes of screens, and there should be no abnormal behavior of the elements.

Languages for Frontend Development

HTML(HyperText Markup Language)

It is a combination of Hypertext and Markup language that gets used to design the front end of any web page. Moreover, HTML mainly offers the structure of the information represented in the browser window.

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)

For making web pages representable and attractive, CSS gets used for determining the style of web applications. Thus, it can control attributes of multiple pages at once which lets the developers save a lot of work.


In web application development, JavaScript abbreviated as JS helps a lot. For creating interactivity between web pages where the app is functioning, JavaScript is used. It is also responsible for interactive elements, responsiveness, and enhancing the user experience of the web application.

Frameworks & Libraries for Frontend Development

A frontend framework is a pre-written app structure that works as the presentation layer of your application. It allows the efficient display of the data to the user and offers a way to structure files, style components, and let the developer associate data with the DOM.


React is an open-source JavaScript library (which could be extended as a framework) that offers an efficient & intuitive way of web application development. The developer community likes this framework due to its efficiency in developing the front end.

Moreover, this framework provides reusable components and provides virtual DOM for faster rendering & development.


For developing single-page web applications, AngularJS is the first choice of developers. It is an open-source project that changes static HTML to dynamic HTML. Developers also find it useful when they want a framework that extends HTML attributes with directives, and data to be bound with the HTML.

Also Read: Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular Or React?


To simplify the interaction between JavaScript and DOM, jQuery works at its best. It is a set of themes, UI interactions, effects, widgets, and many other elements that can also be used to simplify browser event handling, Ajax interactions, HTML document manipulation & traversing, DOM animations, and cross-browser JavaScript development.


It’s an open-source JS library that offers UI development. This JavaScript library is efficient, declarative, and flexible for developing the view layer of web applications. In addition, the components developed using this library are reusable which saves coding and time.


It is a CSS extension language that is great for enhancing the existing CSS of a site. SASS is a practical way of writing robust, mature, and reliable CSS that lets developers add variables, nested rules, selector inheritance, mixins, and more. Hence, using a command-line tool or a web-framework plugin, it can be translated into a well-formatted & standard CSS.

Bootstrap and SemanticUI:

These are also popular frameworks as they focus on creating readable & maintainable HTML & CSS and emphasizing consistent visual designs. Where Vue, Angular, and React are great at structuring data flow throughout the web applications, allowing the developer to focus on controlling the data instead of focusing on the DOM updation.


Backend or Server-Side

The backend of any web application is like the engine of a car. It drives the whole application functionalities and achieves the business logic behind the web application. This part of a web app is not visible to the users, and it is responsible for the fine-working of all the functionality on the client-side.

technology stack

All the components and their characteristics get accessed by users on the front end of the application. Backend development is one of the most crucial parts of web application development where developers work on creating libraries, writing APIs, and working with system components to make the application work streamlined.

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Languages for Backend Development


It is a high-level, interpreted general-purpose programming language for faster development, and integrates all the systems & components more efficiently.


PHP is a great scripting language for server-side programming, and this scripting language is one of the best web app development technologies. It is suitable for web development, and the PHP code gets executed on the server-side.


It is one of the most popular middle-level programming languages that is also used for the backend. The code written in C++ is fast, robust, and reliable. Though, it is not suitable to write the backend in the current development scenario.


Java is an object-oriented programming language that is one of the most popular and used for coding. J2SE edition of Java or Core Java is used for web app development that offers builds of complex web applications.


JS can be said to be a must-have language for the development of web applications. It can be used for developing the client-side as well as the server-side.

Related Blog: Top 10 Web Application Development Trends To Look

Popular Frameworks for Backend Development

Backend frameworks are the libraries that backend programming languages offer to develop the structure of a web app. Moreover, these frameworks provide ready-made libraries that save a terrific amount of time and give a head-start when it comes to web application development.


To add core web app features to an existing feature-packed Node.js platform, Express.JS is the best framework. Also, it is a popular framework to write efficient & robust APIs and for developing web application solutions.


Flask is a Python-based web framework that is lighter than Django and also offers less learning curve. Moreover, it is a lightweight and straightforward microframework that doesn’t stop users from any kind of library or tool use.

Ruby On Rails:

Rails is an MVC(Model view controller) framework that follows the “convention over configuration” principle. It works over assumptions and helps the developers to achieve more with less code. In total, it’s an excellent choice for rapid development.


Laravel is also an MVC framework that simplifies the development of modern, robust, and secure web apps. It comes with an intuitive interface, API support, packages, tools, and libraries. This framework offers the Artisan Console which is its own command-line interface (CLI) that can perform repetitive and complex tasks.


Django is an MVT(Model view template) framework. It works for more substantial and complex projects. It is also a Python-based framework that offers more secure web apps. This framework itself comes with safety features like protection from SQL injection, user authentication, cross-site scripting, clickjacking, and cross-site request forgery.

Popular Tech-Stack Combinations for Backend Development

It is really not necessary to pick every technology individually. There are already some successful backend technology combos. They are for web application development work.

In addition, these technology stacks can implement worldwide by developers, and they claim to get the best environment for development.


Here are some of the best technology stacks for web application development that you can opt for:

MEAN: Combination of MongoDB (database), Express.js (app framework), AngularJS (front-end framework), Node.js c

MERN: Web app technology stack consisting of MongoDB (database), Express (app framework), React/Redux (JS Library), and Node.js (app framework)

LAMP: Web app stack consisting Linux (operating system), Apache (web-server), MySQL (database), PHP (programming language)

Python-Django: Combination of Apache server, MySQL database, Django framework, and Python as the programming language.

JAMstack: It is a modern web application development architecture that is based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup.

PERN: One of the full-stack web app development technologies that consist of PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node.js.

How to Find the Best Technology Stack for Web Application Development?

To un pretzel your mind, I’m going to share some of the points that should be considered before opting for a technology stack. Choosing a suitable technology stack for your web app is itself an uphill battle. Hence, try to consult with someone experienced or any web application developer who can help you with your project.

There are plenty of languages, frameworks, and tools that are available for building a web app. Before selecting any technology stack for a web application, go through these parameters or points. Or, ask yourself some questions!

  • Type of Project & Architecture:

The type of project makes the choice of technology explicit. There are multiple kinds of web applications that lie under two terms, static web apps and dynamic web apps which are kind of umbrella terms.

Static web apps are kind of an architecture type that lacks flexibility. So, there will be no personalization or non-interactivity. The development also takes time because whenever there is a need for individual pages, one page at a time is created that requires more effort.

Tech-stack for static web apps includes MVC frameworks like Backbone.js, EmberJS, and AngularJS. For the frontend UI kits like Kendo, Bootstrap, PureMVC, and Foundation can be used.

Whereas, Dynamic web apps are based on frameworks that let the developers develop and maintain the web pages. It consists of Single Page Apps (SPA), Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Widget Web apps, JavaScript-Powered Web Apps, and Rich Internet Apps.

If still, you don’t know what category your app falls into, this might help:

Small-sized apps: You can consider a single page to 3- or 4-page app as a small-sized app. In addition, Digital magazines, Microsites, Photo Stories, Portfolios, and Presentations can also be counted as small-sized apps.

In addition, the best tech-stack to develop small-sized apps is using Readymag, Webflow, Weebly, Squarespace, Wix, Google Sites, and many other available design tools.

Medium-sized apps: FinTech or financial apps, eCommerce apps, collaborative tools, enterprise applications, online stores, and booking apps can be considered mid-sized applications.

These apps are feature-rich and do need a complex tech stack for development. For web application development of mid-sized apps, tech-stack should include frameworks like Angular, React, NodeJS, Angular, Vue.JS, React.JS, Laravel, Django as per frontend or backend development.

Large-sized apps: People have different notions about this kind of app. But, the type of apps that lie in this category is global marketplaces, social media platforms, and any web app. This type of app handles more data and more traffic. Hence, you must consider this as a large-sized app.

Moreover, there are multiple characteristics like performance, scalability, server nodes, SOA, security, and numerous other tech layers associated with large-scale apps. These characteristics and the amount of data & users make the process more complicated.

So, in the case of a web app technology stack for larger applications, it is better to share a list of features and requirements for the project with the dedicated web app development team. They can help better to combine languages, tools, and appropriate frameworks for the project.

  • Time-To-Market:

Time to market is an important aspect when it comes to developing and deploying apps. Find out the time parameter before consulting or selecting your tech stack for web application development. However, if you want a quick deployment, then MVP development could be helpful.

Or, JS frameworks and libraries like React or vue.js will be a great option, and they also offer code- or component-reusability to save time. These frameworks are great for user experience as well and add flexibility to the apps for future updations.

  • Scalability & Security:

Scalability means- if your app is going to have an increase in user base or it is going to have more functionality as per user or business needs.


Src: Stackoverflow

Hence, can use this increment in user base and functionality can be termed vertical and horizontal growth. Try to go for the technologies that are good for scalable apps and select the infrastructure wisely so that you can have a fail-proof architecture.

Moreover, Security is also a big concern. Broken Authentication was found in 45 percent of web applications. So, look for sophisticated authorization and authentication methods that can save your web app from vulnerabilities and possible attack vectors.

  • Budget for Development:

The more advanced the technology stack is, the more budget it will require. It’s the thumb rule! Performing project estimation before web application development is essential.

Moreover, you can share your needs or requirements over discovery workshops to know all the project estimation and future scope.

Tips: Whenever you are planning for a web application and looking for a revolutionary web app tech stack, try to:

  1. Do not follow your competitor because every project is unique.
  2. Crosscheck the performance & functionality of trending technologies with your needs before falling for them.
  3. Go for Internet research to find out appropriate questions related to your tech stack.

Technology Stack of Top Web Applications:

Here is the tech stack of some globally-recognized web applications. These stacks act as insights. As I’ve told you earlier every project is unique, so don’t follow them.


World’s biggest social media platform.

tech stack


A collaborative platform for organizations.



A global platform for C2C and B2C sales.



eCommerce platform & claimed as earth’s most customer-centric company.


Now, we can see that everyone is having a unique tool-set of technologies. So, nothing is perfect; you need to find suitable technologies for your project needs.

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Earlier, I’ve said that a tech stack is like a foundation to your web app skyscraper. It is one of the most decisive aspects of a project’s success. After all the business logic will bring fruitful results using your web app!

Moreover, Technology is not the only thing; designs and development are also a big part of your project’s success story. So, try to hire a coder or development team who has good experience in web application development.

Again, I’ll suggest you research things before selecting your stack. Looking for the trends and doing competitor analysis could be helpful, and still, if you are confused or having issues then hire web developers from us who are having all the technical expertise and offer high productivity at a minimal cost.


Are your web services and web applications the same?

In short, humans use web applications for their interactions. Whereas, web services are responsible for data transfer between web applications.

What is the best technology stack for web application development?

Some of the popular web app technology stacks are:

  • MEAN
  • MERN
  • PERN
  • LAMP
  • Python-Django
  • JAMstack

What are web application programming languages?

These are the languages you must consider for web app development:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • C and C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • JSX

What technologies are there in the Facebook technology stack?

These are some of the technologies Facebook uses:

  • PHP
  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Cassandra
  • Flux
  • Tornado
  • Relay Framework
  • RocksDB
  • Hydra Framework

What are the benefits of web apps for my business?

Web apps are beneficial for every business, because:

  • Web apps are platform-independent.
  • They are accessible everywhere.
  • It Reduces software privacy in subscription-based web apps.
  • Everyone uses the same version which eliminates compatibility issues.
  • Web apps improve interoperability.

Which web application framework is the best?

Choice of framework totally depends upon the project type, time-to-market, scalability, security, development budget, and many other things. 

There are multiple frameworks available for web application development. Some of the best frameworks for web applications frontend and backend development are React, AngularJS, jQuery, React.js, SASS, Bootstrap, Express.JS, Flask, Ruby On Rails, Laravel, and Django.

What are the best web development companies in India?

Here is the list of the top 5 web app development companies that you must consider for offshore development:


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